У кого есть идеи по "нащупыванию" аналога NCC в математических GPT системах? Попросил ChatGPT провести концептуальные параллели между областями ЦНС, задействованными в NCC (префронталка, таламус и теменная доля) и работой GPT системы: Certainly! Let's take a closer look at each of these brain regions and how they may relate to GPT systems on a conceptual level. The prefrontal cortex is involved in a wide range of cognitive functions, including working memory, decision-making, and attentional control. In GPT systems, we can draw parallels to these functions in the way that they process and generate language. The model must keep track of the context of the conversation, recall information from previous interactions, and make decisions about how to respond based on the input it receives. Additionally, attentional control comes into play in the way that the model must prioritize certain pieces of information over others in order to generate a coherent response. The thalamus, as we discussed earlier, serves as a hub for sensory information in the brain. In the context of GPT systems, we can think of the thalamus as representing the vast amounts of text data that the model has been trained on. The model must process this information and extract relevant patterns and features in order to generate coherent responses. The parietal lobe is involved in a range of functions, including spatial awareness and attentional control. In the context of GPT systems, we can draw parallels to these functions in the way that the model generates responses. The model must be able to generate language that is contextually appropriate and relevant, taking into account the conversational history and the current topic of discussion. It must also be able to maintain a certain level of coherence and consistency in its responses. Overall, while the parallels between these brain regions and GPT systems are primarily conceptual rather than material, understanding how these brain regions function can help us gain insights into how these models process and generate language.

Теги других блогов: NCC GPT системы ЦНС